Find the command go to bed" to be one of the most useful and most widely used of all dog obedience commands. Ideal for the practice and also for reasons of security - I'm calling this command in many everyday situations including: when visitors come to my house. Instead of my dogs get all excitable and jump in guests using the "Go To Your Bed" command to redirect their behavior.If a dog is excessively barking can call on this obedience which acts as an alternative for your dog to perform behavior .when my family and me sit down for a meal command sending my dogs to their place to give us a little bit of space.
One thing that always take into account when applying the command Go To Your Spot is you do not want it to feel as a punishment to his dog. In other words do not always use it when your dog is in trouble, try to make a positive and fun place for your dog to retreat to.
Follow the steps below to build the command Go To Your Spot slowly. Start making it easy for your dog to understand, then gradually make it more difficult adding other variables (duration, distance and distractions).
1. Choose your designated place (make sure that it is a pleasant and comfortable place), attach a tag to it ("Go To Your Bed" "Go To Your Mat" etc.) and keep with him.2. Be with his dog 1-2 meters away from the chosen flat. Say "Go To Your Bed" while pointing to the place.At the same time, launch of one of his very favorite dogs is dealt with in the cama.Su dog is safe all haste sobre a bed to collect tasty treat. As soon as it collects trying to make sure praise you with enthusiasm.
3. Repeat step 2 many many times to reinforce the behavior.This also creates a connection in your mind dogs between you saying "Go to bed" and pointing to the Act to her bed. At this point it is important to note that treatment is acting as a decoy to lure her dog sobre a bed - this will eventually change.
4. Now gradually increasing the distance between where you and your dog are standing and bed."Go To Your Bed", point, trying to pull and then praise remain practical.
5. Now is time to change the work of trying to be a claim to be a reward for the desired behavior .Va like this - say "Go To Your Bed" while pointing to the bed, but this time not to throw the treat.By now your dog will probably understand that verbal command and pointing to the media that will go to his lugar.Si she responds to your command addressing his bed below, give treat (reward behavior) and lavish it with praise.If your dog does not "get it" return to a step to reuse treated as a complaint.
6. Follow step 5 one and another strain you can practise any time throughout the day, does not have to be a joint training time.Also mix the place where you ask for your dog to "Go to bed".Decirlo near bed and then more away and eventually even from a different room (don't move too fast though).
7. Now add other items to this comando.Uno at a time you could add a distraction like having another person in the room to bounce a ball or put their food Bull Dog down, then, ask for the "go to bed".
8. You can choose to add obedience dog down command to this exercise.
9. After a period of time should disappear and vary their rewards .This can give trying increasingly second or third that your dog goes to his bed, or could throw a ball for her to pursue as a tasty reward instead of trying.
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